"PERSONAL BIORHYTHM" Version 4.5 -------------------------------- SUGGESTED SHORT DESCRIPTION: Easy-to-use biorhythm program. SUGGESTED MEDIUM DESCRIPTION: Produces professional-looking biorhythm charts. Plots your Physical, Emotional and Intellectual highs and lows. Prints cover sheets, daily forecasts & comparisons. Database to store most frequently-used names. Menu-driven, easy-to-use. Requires 512K, DOS 3.0 or higher. SUGGESTED LONG DESCRIPTION: Do you ever wonder why some days you feel like a million bucks, while others like small change? Biorhythms are the different cycles your mind and body go through every day. They begin at birth with three sine wave cycles; PHYSICAL, which controls energy, vitality, stamina, endurance and initiative; EMOTIONAL, which controls sensitivity and temperament; and INTELLECTUAL, which controls thinking. With Personal Biorhythm, you can produce professional-looking charts which plot your physical, emotional, and intellectual highs and lows. Create fact-filled cover sheets, daily forecasts, two-person comparisons. Menu-driven, user-friendly, database to store your most often-used names. Requires 512K, DOS 3.0 or higher. SUGGESTED CATEGORIES (in order of preference): Biorhythm, Home & Personal, Health, Misc. SUGGESTED ZIP-FILE NAME: PERBIO45.ZIP